Because of this little bit of electronic awesomeness, we are once again able to update the blog.
Maddy has been growing like a baseball player on steroids.
We took her to the vet a week ago for her updated inoculation and to get her breathing/coughing thing checked out. The vet is not concerned with the kennel cough, and is happy with the way she is progressing.
She is doing better with the biting thing, as we re-train her that fingers and toes are not toys. Our bad...
She loves sprinting around the house, up and down the stairs, and jumping three feet in the air for no apparent reason.
One of her favourite things is to sit on a stool by the back patio door at night with the outside light on to watch the various bugs that flutter by. We call it "watching her stories."
A rundown of the photos (from the top):
Maddy defines relaxed.
She does her best Firefox icon impersonation.
Maddy does the "good angel" thing.
Her new favourite spot: sunning on the window sill.
She belts out Creep on Rock Band. Five gold stars...
A video featuring random stuffed turtle violence.
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