We got the camera last night, so here are a couple of photos.
The first is the Sears photo study portrait with the slightly tilted head for maximum cute.
She seems to enjoy posing for photos, although it's likely because she's not really sure what's going on, and she's intrigued by the dangling strap for the vertical shots.
She's developed a steady bathroom routine, and she's eating very well.
She still gets a little scared when wandering around the house if she suddenly finds herself too far away from one of us, but those moments are becoming increasingly rare.
The second is Maddy waking from
As you can see, her eyes are clearing up nicely and she's becoming very comfortable in our house.
She loves to run around and jump and swat at the air, and her tail.
It's cool to see her discovering all of the little things for the first time.
The funniest so far has been the first "toot" after a nap.
She looked around, wondering what the sound was, and then wrinkled her nose at the odour.
I'm really enjoying watching the antics of this precious little bundle. However, every time I read (and I think I've read it twice) about her fascination with the camera wrist strap, my heart skips a beat. You see, I thought I knew how to kitten-proof our home, removing all things dangerous to our little kitty. (He was the one deemed "least desirable" when I went to the shelter looking for their two neediest cats). I knew that cats have reverse barbs on their tongues and so anything they lick can very easily be ingested and become fatal, such as Christmas foil wrapping string, cotton balls, etc. But I didn't give my visiting sister's camera a second thought, until suddenly Sasha flew off the couch, with the camera dangling from his mouth. The strap must have gone between his teeth like dental floss. He freaked out in fear and tore around our condo like a person possessed, with the camera hitting our travertine tile floors in rapid succession. On his second circuit I literally threw myself on him and in doing so inadvertently wrenched the strap from his mouth. So all of this is just a caring piece of advice not to underestimate what these little ones can get into, despite our best efforts to keep them safe. Good luck and be well soon, Little Maddy!