Friday, June 5, 2009

Maddy goes drinking

I'll be buying a camera tomorrow, so you'll have to wait until then for new photos...

Maddy successfully managed to drink water from an egg cup, and quite enjoyed it. She also tried from a larger bowl, and snorked some water up her nose... a quick sneeze and she was back drinking.

She then dabbed her front paws in and looked in amazement at the water on them.

She was very playful tonight... not nearly as much crying.

We gave her eye medication and she takes it better each time.

Her eyes are clearing up quickly, too, which is great.

She was also purring while lying on my chest for a nap.

She still hasn't "made a boom-boom" that we know of, but the kitteh websites say that isn't unusual as she gets used to her new surroundings.

We're wondering if there is a Catimucil out there...

Ciao for now.

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