Her eyes also look clearer.
The only negative is a persistent cough that comes and goes. We're hoping it's nothing serious, but we're keeping our eyes on it.
The first photo is Maddy chasing her tail, and winning. Kind of looks like extreme yoga.
The second photo is Maddy nestling in for a nap with Rosanne. She likes to get up close to us when she's napping, to feel our heartbeats and heat from our bodies. It clearly brings her comfort
We've noticed she feels less "bony" now that she's gotten into a regular pattern of eating and drinking.
We'll be taking her back to the vet Thursday for a follow up appointment to make sure everything is going the way it should given the circumstances.
We'll also be chatting with him about the cough that seems to be dogging Maddy (if you'll pardon the pun) and gain some peace of mind there.
I'll update when we know more on that front.
Finally, a video of Maddy goofing around.
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